GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Sept. 3 - Dec. 17 Hours of Operation
SAC退伍军人事务部为军队附属学生提供全面的支持服务, including active service members, Guard, Reserve, veterans and their family members.
圣安东尼奥学院是总统行政命令的签署国-为服务成员的教育机构建立卓越原则, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members; and the “8 Keys to Veterans’ Success” which are steps that postsecondary institutions can take to assist Veterans and Servicemembers in transitioning to higher education, completing their college programs, and obtaining career-ready skills.
Each year SAC-VA serves more than 3,为000名军人附属学生提供包括学术指导在内的支持, benefit certification, tutoring, support groups and counseling, and career services.
Our services include:
SAC-VA is located in the Victory Center, 退伍军人和与军队有关的学生可以在哪里获得他们上大学所需的所有服务, including assistance with benefits, a tutoring center, a computer lab and a lounge area for studying.
Victory Center Room 101
1819 N. Main Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78212
Office: (210) 486-0111
Fax: (210) 486-9146